Discovering Genesis
and The Origins of the Biblical World

The Book of Genesis is a fascinating account of ancient Israel’s earliest traditions. In this eight-part lecture series, the late Dr. David Neiman expertly guides you through the book’s first chapters, examining how the biblical writers grappled with the fundamental questions and mysteries of the shared human experience.
Dr. Neiman also reveals the cultural, historical, and linguistic context in which the stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and Noah and the Flood were originally written and understood.
The character and actions of Abraham are analyzed within the context of his socio-political circumstances.
Lecture 1: The Polemic Language of Genesis
Lecture 2: The Garden of Eden
Lecture 3: The Genealogies of Genesis
Lecture 4: The Flood and The Sons of Noah
Lecture 5: Abraham the Hebrew
Lecture 6: Abraham in Context: The Amarna Age
Lecture 7: Abraham the Patriarch
Lecture 8: The Children of Abraham
Total Running Time: 8 hours 29 minutes
Total Running Time: 8 hours 29 minutes
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